To my so-called elder sisters,
So, when my youngest sister went on what I can only call a psychotic tirade and demanded that I leave "her" house, I would offer a few caveats in any defense of her actions.
1) She never once, until that night, mentioned a single thing I might have done or been doing that she found objectionable to _me_. I understand that she had been berating me to you a lot, for the nigh 2 months I had been there. Still, she never said two syllables to me about what I could do to change or better the situation. Even then, she never proferred what was wrong nor how it could possibly be remedied, just threats. Seem reasonable?
2) No matter what I may or may not have done, _I_ did not threaten my 84-year old mother with eviction/being thrown out of the only address she has known since 1956. That moronic demon said she believes that I think I am better than her. Well, with her desire to throw Mama out, I _know_ that I am _infinitely_ better that her. I have _shit_ things more worthwhile than her. If you don't agree, then I'm better than you, too. And none of you will be worth the salt in my tears anymore.
3) oh, yes. I heartily admit to being verbally abusive to her, after she called our mother a "stupid cunt," a "dumbass," a "crazy bitch," and a "fucking asshole," amongst other things.
3a) Yes, I cussed her pussy-pansy-ass out, because she has always been able to "dish it out," but has always been too simplemindedly weak and worthless to take it herself. Don't believe me? Not that I care anymore, but just try to prove me wrong. You will fail, just as she does, daily.
4) You weren't there, but I assure you that her eyes were those of a demon--full of bile, hate, evil. Again, if you don't believe me, I can no longer care what you believe because you choose to believe a devil's lies. If you do, I am sorry, but your lack of support nonetheless leads any rational being to believe in your tacit support of a fucking demon.
5) Oh, yeah, I have been talking about her actions and words against out own _mother_. Did I mention that she threatened to _murder_ me while she was enflamed with that Satanic look in her eyes? Not good enough for you?? Is the fact that I have 5 years of books (mostly) and other things in a 7.5 X 7.5 foot single room a most mortal sin? If you believe so, then I would have little use for your insipidness.
6) She recently went ballistic about a coworker who bitched behind her and Ricky's back without having the balls enough to talk to someone to their face. Guess what? Hypocrisy can go fuck itself with a railroad spike.
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