Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bisexual Questionnaire 1

1. How do you know you are not just gay/straight with some confusion about the other attraction?

A: It’s like in the military: you don’t think about or choose whom you “salute.” (I’m a man, so let that turn of phrase seep in & make sense)

2. Why don’t you just go with a woman, since it’d be so much easier?

A: Love is never easy. & I shouldn’t have to choose the “easier” path for love.

3. What is the sluttiest thing you’ve done in a bisexual way?

A: I was so aroused by an actress I had seen on television that I seduced my then-boyfriend to release the pent-up desire. (Dating two people at once may come close, but those were my first times. I was young.)

4. Are you completely bi? I mean, do you not prefer one sex over another?

A: I have tended to be more attracted (physically and emotionally at the same time) to men, but it’s all dependent on the person. My longest relationships have been with men, though.

5. Do all of your partners know that you are bi, not straight/gay?

A: Now, yes. Initially, no.

6. Since you’ve been with women…, are you a bottom when you’re with guys?

A: I’m versatile. Depends on our mood(s).

7. You said something about losing your virginity 5 times…?

A: Think about it. 3 holes. Two genders (nominally). I’ll let you figure it out to your liking.

8. Are you out to your friends?

A: To most of them, now. I don’t hide around them, but I don’t bother making a big announcement either. That’s just me. I’ll discuss why it took me a while to identify as bi in a later post.

9. What about to your family?

A: I was raised Southern Baptist, so no. They never wanted to hear when I was dating a woman, much less a man! I’ve dropped hints and hairpins, but nobody wants to pick them up. Some in my family are the kind who believe that if you ignore something long enough, it will go away. One sister who lives in southern Alabama is a very strict Baptist who uses the word “queer” like a sword from God. Nevertheless, I love her & her children, so I have feared breaking those ties. I’m selfish, because I love my nieces, nephew, etc., more than anything. I’d like to be out to them, but currently I’m not.

10. How long was your longest relationship?

A: Almost 5 years.

11. Could you be happy with just one person for the rest of your life? You know, not dally with someone of the other gender?

A: Yes, I do. I’m rather a romantic at heart, you see.

12. Have you ever dated someone else who was bi?

A: Yes.

13. Do you believe in God? Isn’t being bi a sin?

A: Yes, I do believe in God. I believe God made me how I am, & I do not believe that God is a cruel being who would make me this way and then say it was a sin.

14. Have you tried to not be bi?

A: Yes, I suppose I have. I bought into biphobia in both its facets. I tried to be just straight; I tried to be just gay. But the heart, mind, & loins want what they want. I have grown to accept and embrace that.

15. Are there any physical qualities that turn you off?

A: I generally don’t like men with long hair, women with fake breasts, people with mean streaks, ostentatious tattoos. I must admit people in good drag and genderfuck people mess with me just enough to limit my sexual chemistry. That’s a mess in my head that ought to be remedied.

16. Why are you doing this blog?

A: Therapeutic value for me. If it help someone else, that’s great. If not, bollocks.

17. Are you happy being bi?

A: Ecstatic. My happiness or unhappiness rarely springs solely from my sexual identity.

18. Who gives better head? Men or women?

A: Next question, please.

19. Aw, come on. How many questions do I get this time?

A: Twenty.

20. Twenty? Is that all?

A: Yes. We’ll have to do another set another time.

21. Can’t I ask a few more?

A: Thank you! Come again!