Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Celebrate Bisexuality Day!!

"[Being bisexual is] the worst of any world because you don't really belong anywhere, because you are never sure of yourself or those around you. You can't trust in anyone, their motives or their intentions. And because of that, you have, in a world that likes its nice shiny labels, no true identity."
Ianto Jones in The Twilight Streets by Gary Russell

Today is September 23. Today is Celebrate Bisexuality Day. Bet you didn’t know we had a day, did you? It’s not meant to be divisive. It was only founded to remind people of one of those bands in that great rainbow flag of the LGBTQI community.

Being bisexual comes with a multitude of problems. You might be “too straight” for the gay community. You’re definitely too gay for the straight community. People might think you’re easy, slutty, or totally not picky. Some may even think you’re so desperate that you’d take any sexual contact regardless. Some blame you for spreading diseases. Some say you are just too scared to come “completely” out of the closet and are trying to maintain some of the privileges associated with heterosexuality. Some still see only binaries: you must be either straight or gay and are just in some “phase.” Yeah, it’s a phase called my whole life.

Bisexuals can be marginalized. In a heterosexist, patriarchal culture, that might seem obvious. But when gay & lesbian allies and friends also marginalize you for expressing your sexual identity while they embrace theirs, it is kind of unsettling and disappointing.

I am just me. I’m a kitchen door. I’m Gillette, because I cut both ways. AC/DC. I’m not usually slutty. I can be Jif, because I’m a choosy muther. Here I am; I can do no other. Amen.

Here are a few links if you are interested:


Bisexual Erasure

Celebrate Bisexuality Day