Friday, July 23, 2010

More, More, More

Hello again! Time waits for no one, and it sure has run by me or over me lately. I have a few updates and info that I thought I would share.

Robyn Ochs came to visit the university I attend. I got to talk to her sort-of one-on-one, and I am even more invigorated to be a bisexual activist in my own way. The fact that my bi friend was there only increased my sense of feeling blessed and honored to know such people and to start to work for social justice for all—including bisexual folks.

That sister I had mentioned? Well…she outed me to my 80-year old mother. I was going to tell Mom the next time I saw her IRL, but my sister took my voice from me. I won’t go into details because it is long and involved, but I believe that she told Mom for selfish reasons—not to aid me in any way. She was trying to play the martyr card as a “supportive sibling” for the downtrodden bisexual brother. Oh, brother, is about all I can say, although my thoughts are more full of swearing...

My friend TransMac has been living as a total dude. His strength, despite his young age (just like my bi friend), awes me, inspires me and honors me. He is an amazing guy, and I am so privileged to have his trust. He and my other LGBTQI friends-family make me so proud!

I worked at my local Pride festival. What is Pride to me? That such an amazing assortment of people—gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender, questioning, ally, etc.—would look at me and call me “friend” and “support” really makes me feel like I have done something good in this world. Just to know such people at all is a blessing and inspiring wonderment. That they call me friend is an honor that fills my heart and soul.